Contact Us

Campus Location: Corner of Washington Boulevard & Broad Street in downtown Stamford.

Office Location: Room 301, 3rd floor

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9:00am – 4:30pm (Closed on Weekends and Holidays)

Parking: Parking is available at various locations nearby such as Franklin Street, Target retail store, Bell Street garage.  All have different parking rates.

Please call ahead of time if making a special trip as the office may be closed due to unforeseen circumstances.

If you are a Parent/Guardian or someone other than the student, please make sure you have your FERPA access code when contacting the University. We will follow FERPA law. For more information on FERPA, please visit:


*Email communication should only be done via UConn Husky email. Please include your student ID # when emailing.

“At UConn, your email = your Business”

Phone: (203) 251-8444

Mailing Address: 

University of Connecticut
Bursar Office
1 University Place
Stamford CT 06901